North Kivu | Democratic Republic of Congo

A 12 min excerpt from the work done for the belgian ONG EURAC about the life conditions of FARDC soldiers.

Life conditions in a FARDC base. The wives and children of the soldiers live in the base and risk to be involved in battles and attacks.

A FARDC soldier the day after he survived an attack from Mai Mai Niatura rebels in Masisi where 14 of his comerades were killed.

A FARDC veichle hit by Mai Mai rebels.

FARDC soldiers in a bar at night. Masisi.

A FARDC soldier at the last checkpoint before the rebel controlled area.

A FARDC soldier on a pick up truck that was hit by an attack from Mai Mai rebels.

A FARDC soldier smokes, close to the Masisi front line.

A village near Bukombo-

Mai Mai Niatura rebels in Minova region.

A Mai Mai Niatura rebel, Minova.

A Mai Mai Niatura rebel, Minova.

A young man at the 2014 Amani festival in Goma. The first peaceful event after years of dreadful war.

Sunday mass in Goma.

Daily life in Goma. Boys play basketball in front of Goma University.

A young FARDC Soldier.

A FARDC soldiers arranges his hat. His platoon is about to enter Virunga searching for FDLR rebels.

FARDC soldiers smoking. Tongo.

A woman testifies at the Minova trial. For 10 days in 2012, the small village of Minova was the scene of a wave of violence: the villagers were victims of acts of mass rape, murder and pillage. The perpetrators of these atrocities were all members of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) and the Congolese National Police (PNC).

Stede Les Volcans. Entrance. Goma.

Kibomango, a former boy soldier, now teaches boxing in Goma.

Boxe training. Goma.

Kibomango and two of his boxers. Goma.

Kibomango. Boxer. Goma

Boxing lesson. Goma.

Kibomango. Stade les Volcans. Goma.

A member of Le Club de l'Amitié training. Goma.

FARDC soldiers about to enter a FDLR controlled area in Virunga National Park.

A Virunga Ranger has dinner at his watch post. Virunga National Park. Rutshuru.

Three FDLR rebels captured by FARDC. Tongo.

FARDC soldiers.

A FARDC Soldier. Tongo. Virunga National Park.

a FARDC soldier inside Virunga National Park.

A FARDC soldier. Tongo, North Kivu.
Pictures from my trips in North Kivu in 2014 and 2015 where I've been shooting a short documentary about FARDC for EURAC and RAI News 24.